Wisconsin State Debate Tournament

2024 — West Bend, WI/US

The 2024 WSDT will be totally online. Teams should not travel to West Bend. There will be no one there.

The complete invitation can be found here. It will be updated as necessary which is why it's a Google Doc and not a PDF.

Tournament Live Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19IUxEZSxL50aXzvknJb_WT5SrVBcQp-lQpW5zW-lBqk/edit?usp=sharing

The Judge Packet can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1287ZJMnE90oYUZdpP26WIj8DAp_yJOD_m7PmubOWS70/edit?usp=sharing

WDCA Coaches who will be serving in the tabroom include:

John Knetzger, WSDT Director

Stephanie King, JSE Chair

Casey Hutchison, President

Jaya Sims, President-Elect

Dan Hansen, Treasurer

Justin Flynn, Secretary

David Umstot, Media and Communications Chair